The Owl and Luciferianism

By David J. Stewart | August 2007 | Updated November 2016

       An owl can see in the dark! Occultists like to use the owl as one of their symbols because they can see things that the average person from the public cannot. Occult members are enlightened to the dark inner workings of secret societies.

The Bohemian Club is a rich-man’s organization that holds a two-week “camp” in northern California every year at the end of July. This strange and secretive group, which have received very little press coverage, have a 40-foot owl as its central symbol. Each year, approximately 1,500 of America’s most influential CEO’s, government officials, financiers, industrialists, and media moguls gather to hear speeches, network, and share common agendas. They also perform Druid-like ceremonies before a huge stone owl, complete with robes, fire, incantations, and other rituals. 

Romans 1:22-23 (Note: all Scripture quotes are only from the trustworthy King James Bible) comes to mind...

Romans 3:22-23, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things."

To help you lose more sleep tonight, take a look at what's hidden on every U.S. one dollar bill, that's right, an owl...

There is a small owl just to the left of the "1" which appears on the upper right hand corner of the Dollar Bill. But what does the owl symbolize? The owl is a symbol of wisdom. Owls can see in the dark. They can see what we cannot see. Likewise, members of the Illuminati are privileged to information that is hidden from the general public.

The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey with strong talons. The owl has been associated with wisdom, books, Occult knowledge, shamanism and other spiritual matters. As mentioned, the owl is a bird of the night, so an association with the moon is also suggested. They have short tail feathers and are silent in flight, stealth like. They seem curious about things but are happy to sit and wait until the time is right to obtain their goals (catch or conquer their prey). 

The demon goddess Lilith is represented throughout history as an owl. A study of the demon goddess of Lilith will reveal the dark secrets behind the owl of Bohemian grove.

Few magickal orders exist dedicated to the undercurrent of Lilith and deal in initiations specifically related to the Aracana of the first Mother. Two reputable organizations that progressively use initiations and magick associated with Lilith are the Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati and the Order of Phosphorus. Author Joshua Seraphim has written three texts associated with the egregore of Lilith entitled "Rite of Lilith," "Confessionis ex Lilitu," and the "Lamentations of Lilith."

Lilith appears as a succubus in Aleister Crowley's De Arte Magica. Lilith was also one of the middle names of Crowley’s first child, Ma Ahathoor Hecate Sappho Jezebel Lilith Crowley (b. 1904, d.1906). She is sometimes identified with Babylon in Thelemic writings.

A Thelemic rite, based on an earlier German rite, offers the invocation of Lilith (warning: an article on how to summons Satan). Read here about the wicked witchcraft of Lilith, and how it relates to the OWL...

Satanist, Aleister CrowleyLilith is the mythological first wife of Adam. She, like Adam, was created by God "from the dust of the earth. . . in the image of God He created them, male and female He created them" (Gen. 1:27) being the first reference to human life in the Bible. It would seem that Eve came later, fashioned from a rib taken from Adam while he slept : ". . . this is to be called Woman, for this was taken from Man". (Gen. 2:24) This strange anomaly can only be explained by assuming that there was a female human before Eve. Since only Eve is subsequently present in the Garden of Eden, her predecessor must have departed before Eve's arrival on the scene. One can only assume that Lilith's near total absence (aside from oblique references to "screech owls") from the Judeo/Christian Bible is a matter of prejudice on the part of the male patriarchal authors.

Semitic legend describes Lilith as having a "base" nature and a taste for biting Adam and drinking his blood. She had refused to submit to Adam's authority (and a preference for being "on top"), and in a fit of pique, she uttered the ineffable name of God and flew up into the air, only to be cast down by God into the desert wastes where she took up residence. (The only mention of Lilith by name in the standard Christian Bible is in Isaiah, where a passing reference is made about her living in the desert.) Lilith is described as either a winged serpent or a screech owl (or a anthropomorphic combination thereof) who murders infants (it would appear from the perspective of modern medicine that infants who succumbed to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome would have been thought to have been victims of Lilith), and who torments men at night who sleep alone -- the original succubus.

In modern mythology Lilith has become a symbol to many feminists of the independent woman, who refuses to submit to the control of men. While this is certainly an aspect of her egregore, there is a strong sexual component to Lilith's nature that must also be recognized. She is more than just an "uppity woman", she is the power of primal lust in female form. And also, she is Death, and this cannot be ignored when working with her magically.

SOURCE (The Invocation of Lilith)

Did you read that... Lilith is described as either a winged serpent or a screech owl WHO MURDERS INFANTS! 

Above: The Luciferian “Bohemian Grove

Priests set fire to their sacrifice of a human effigy which screams in pain over loud speakers to the cheers of onlookers across the lake.

A 2006 occult work by ceremonial magickian Donald Tyson, titled Liber Lilith details the secret cosmology for the 'Mother of Harlots' and spawn of all nightbreed monsters Lilith. The book proclaims itself as saved from the ashes of Dr Dee's library at Mortlake in the 1580's.

Just as Lilith is the demonic god of Bohemian Grove, so is Baphomet (the son of Lucifer and Lilith) the demonic god of Freemasonry. Do you see how all these demonic occult organizations are linked together?

In modern Luciferianism, Lilith is considered a consort and/or an aspect of Lucifer and is identified with the figure of Babalon. She is said to come from the mud and dust, and is known as the Queen of the Sucubi. When she and Lucifer mate, they form an androgynous being called "Baphomet" or the "Goat of Mendes," also known in Luciferianism as the "God of Witches." —SOURCE: The Church of Lucifer.

Bohemian Grove is rooted in Luciferianism!!!

The writings by Micheal Ford, "The Foundations of the Luciferian Path," contends that Lilith forms the Luciferian Trinity, composed of her, Samael and Cain. Likewise, she is said to have been Cain's actual mother, as opposed to Eve, but through her. Lilith here is seen as a goddess of witches, the dark feminine principle, and is also known as the goddess Hecate. SOURCE: Black Witchcraft: The Foundations of the Luciferian Path

After traveling from Austin, Texas to San Francisco, Alex Jones and the other members of his team, Violet Nichols and Mike Hanson, met up with the British filmmakers and began a three-day investigation before attempting to enter the Grove. On July 15, 2000, Alex Jones and Mike Hanson, equipped with two hidden video cameras and disguised as members of the Bohemian Club successfully infiltrated the elite cult compound. The following detailed report of what they found is absolutely shocking...

(I know how bizarre this all sounds, just remember that we have all of this on tape in my video, Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove (watch now on Google for free), which has aired nationally in the United Kingdom, and might air here in the United States, unless it is suppressed.)

So, the priest talked about "goodly Tyre and Babylon." Well, there is only one "great owl" of Babylon and "goodly" Tyre. If you read your Bible, or any historical document of the time, they were burning children in the Babylonian and Canaanite kingdoms before the owl-god Moloch.

Suddenly, (again, we had initially been misdirected from the owl by the activities behind the curtains across the bank, then we were paying attention to the owl and the priests on the island ) back on the west bank, there was an old-fashioned river-style boat, with that grim reaper character who had been driving the wagon, and he was poling himself across the water with the bound body up on the bow.

He brought the bound body to the high priest who was waiting for it at the foot of the owl, at the bottom of large circular steps on which the owl sits. Then, in very macabre fashion, the two black-clad priests rubbed and caressed the sacrificial body and brought it before the owl.

The body begged for its life, over a speaker system. They refused it mercy. They took it up onto the altar. The "great owl" told them to burn the body (which they called "dull care,") which looks like a human wrapped up in black cloth. Right above the altar there was a large stone lamp that was burning that they call the "eternal flame." The high priest took an unlit torch and lit his torch with this flame.

The body again begged for mercy. The high priest then walked down (with some difficulty, because this high priest was so old, he could hardly even walk), and lit the pyre on fire. He began to say that he would read the signs in the remains, a deep occult tradition. This is not the Hollywood devil with red pajamas – this is the real deal, Babylon mystery religion-style.

The body continued to scream in pain. Suddenly, all of those little metal crosses that we had seen along the bank during the day burst into flame. So, I was there witnessing something right out of the medieval painter Hieronymus Bosch’s Visions of Hell: burning metal crosses, priests in red and black robes with the high priest in a silver robe with a red cape, a burning body screaming in pain, a giant stone great-horned owl, world leaders, bankers, media and the head of academia engaged in these activities. It was total insanity.

So the ritual ended and all the old men started breaking up and going back to the big hall in the giant redwoods. Myself and Mike Hanson high-tailed it out of there, walking at a brisk pace. We encountered no resistance when we left. We walked right by guards and were out on the main road, Bohemian Avenue.

It is a lot easier to get out of the Grove than it is to get in, because a lot of these world leaders that you read about in the news leave the Grove to go into the small town Monte Rio. They go into the bars for prostitutes that are flown in from around the world to service them.

Down the road the British media was waiting to pick us up. They asked us, "Did you get it? Did you get it?"

One of the producers, John Sergeant, said, "You’ve done it Alex! You’ve blown Bohemian Grove right open!"

There is so much more to this story that we don’t have time to get into. I decided to have this interview transcribed and put on my website, —SOURCE

Everyone has heard the saying “Wise as an Owl”…but do you know where this phrase comes from? The phrase comes from the “goddess of wisdom” who was sometimes depicted as an owl. A simple web-search using the terms "owl" and "symbol" turned up many references to owl as a symbol of the Greek Athena. In fact, the scientific name for owl is “Athene Noctua.” Perhaps you have seen movies depicting the Greek goddess Athena and her pet Owl. Athenian coins bore the likeness of Athena on one side and an owl on the other. Indeed, these coins were called "owls." 

King Arthur's Merlin was always depicted with an owl on his shoulder. The owl is the unrivaled symbol of intelligence or wisdom." In the ancient mysteries Athena WAS the Owl and was the goddess of wisdom. Remember, Athena is another name for Simiramas (just in a different culture). It is also another name for Ishtar, a.k.a. Isis. The Bible makes references to men of wisdom being master builders. Isis was known as the “goddess of towers” (a master builder) and is also the “goddess of wisdom.” Therefore an owl is a fitting representation of Isis. Remember, an owl can see in the dark!

If you look carefully around Washington DC you will find that many of the government buildings which are pagan in architectural style, have owl statues on them. Our country adopted most of it’s symbolism from the Egyptian mysteries and therefore I am leaning toward believing that the owl is just another symbol of Isis to the high priests who designed the American Mysteries.

As some supporting evidence linking Athena to the Egyptian Isis I submit: 

The Owl And The Occult

The owl is revered by Celtic and Wiccan witches and elite worshippers of the demonic Bohemian Grove cult in California. The owl can see extremely well, especially at night. It is for this reason that the owl was chosen and is used to represent Satan in Luciferian worship, because the owl can see what most other creatures cannot see. The owl can peer keenly through the darkness and even see a tiny mouse moving. This represents the evil occult KNOWLEDGE possessed by occult-inspired, Lucifer-worshipping, Christ-rejecters who hate God and love sin. It is not mere coincidence in this age of modern information that Satan has chosen to exponentially increase his efforts to achieve a modern System of Babel where men unite in their wickedness once again against the God of the Holy Bible.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 teaches that Satan is the “god” of this sin-cursed, politically and religiously corrupt, warmongering, heathen world. This Biblical truth is the key to understanding the occult and the New World Order. The Illuminati are an extremely evil group of people whom Satan are using to achieve a New World Order, i.e., the Beast system of the coming Antichrist.

This group is so evil that they have shamelessly murdered countless tens-of-millions of innocent people without conscience. In addition to the leaders of the New World Order are the devout unsaved followers of the New World Order, who have shown their allegiance to Satan through worldly music, occult symbolism, Satanic hand signs and even demonic religious devotion. Certainly we are witnessing the Last Days, the End Times foretold of in 2nd Timothy 3:1-7.

The Owl in the Capitol

Look again at the United States Capitol. At the extreme Eastern side of the Capitol, you can see two cul-de-sacs which are irregularly shaped. In fact, when you draw a bold black line carefully around these cul-de-sacs, and continue the black line around the Capitol, you get the appearance of an owl, with the cul-de-sacs as its ears. This is not accidental, either.  Consider the symbolism of the owl.  Were the founding fathers making the point that they believed the capital would be the seat of "wisdom"?

Satellite photo of the owl taken from a high resolution satellite called KH-7 in 1966.

Official Logo of the Bohemian Grove Club


Fast Facts about Bohemian Grove

On the first Saturday of the camp, an elaborate ritual called the Cremation of Care is held just after dinner. It begins with the procession of a group of men, dressed in red pointed hoods and red robes, some of whom play a funeral dirge while others carry torches. These men also carry a rough, open coffin containing a body made of a black muslin-covered wooden skeleton. According to Domhoff [G. William Domhoff, author of The Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats], 'this is the body of Care, symbolizing the concerns and woes that important men supposedly must bear in their daily lives. It is Dull Care which must be cremated.' 

Mary Moore, a longtime Sonoma County activist who founded the Bohemian Grove Action Network, which has helped organize demonstrations outside the grove since 1980, has been one of the Bohos’ more rational critics. The network’s Web site, at, contains a complete listing of all the public-policy speeches that have been given by major figures over the years, including Dick Cheney’s 1991 speech, “Defense Problems of the 21st Century.” Moore, a staunch leftist, is adamant that the annual retreat has to do with more than just fun and games. END

Seventh-Day Adventist English Professor Reveres C.S. Lewis

Anyone who understands the occult and witchcraft knows that the owl is highly revered by Luciferian worshippers as a symbol of secular wisdom, a creature that can peer into the night's darkness. Well, features Debbie Higgens holding a big owl.

I'm not saying that Debbie Higgens is a witch, but it does seem more than coincidental that she is holding a big owl, and overseeing the home of deceased author C.S. Lewis. Harry Potter author, J.K. Rowling said that C.S. Lewis is one of her favorite authors and inspired her work much. C.S. Lewis was a Modernist (i.e., someone who pretends to be a Christian, but is in reality an unsaved person). C.S. Lewis was a heretic, an unsaved heathen, and no hero at all. In fact, Lewis is revered by witches and occultists everywhere worldwide for his apostasy and hatred for the Scriptures.

C.S. Lewis Exposed as Pagan Mythologist

Pastor Texe MarrsIn 1987, as one of only a few lone voices in the wilderness, I warned the Christian world of the insidious, unscriptural, satanic, and magical messages and images contained in the books of famous "Christian" author, C.S. Lewis. I wrote particularly of Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia series for kids and adults, demonstrating how these works were from the very pit of hell.

And though British author C.S. Lewis was one of the most quoted, admired, and beloved of all "Christian" writers and teachers, I demonstrated that Lewis’ own personal and doctrinal life was stigmatized by pagan beliefs, mythological imagery, sexual kinkiness, and adultery.

I showed also C.S. Lewis’ mixture and confusion of Hindu and Greek gods with Christian heroes. In one instance, C.S. Lewis even equated Jesus Christ with the ancient Greek sun god Apollo, the son of the mythological Zeus.

C.S. Lewis was most fond of expressing a belief in Jesus, followed by a clarifying exclamation, "Jesus was the fulfillment of myth." According to Lewis, Jesus deserved worship because he was, "the myth that had come true."

As I pointed out in my book, Ravaged by the New Age, Lewis also taught in his novels, the Chronicles of Narnia series, that all service done by a person on behalf of Lucifer and the dark side was, in fact, also credited by God as service to him!

In Lewis’ nonfiction writings, we discover his belief in evolution, in the Catholic version of Mary, and in the odd notion that in our "next lives," Christians may just become planets, stars, or other heavenly objects.

Moreover, Lewis believed the Bible to be flawed, and suggested that Jesus was an ignorant prophet, regrettably tied to the Jewish messianic myth. Lewis further suggested that Jesus’ prophecies had failed to come to pass.

Nevertheless, all these thing being so, the fantasy books of C.S. Lewis have for decades been super sellers in both Christian and New Age occult bookstores. For my efforts in warning Christian parents to keep Lewis’ wicked and foul books far from their kids, many a Christian bookstore owner and manager responded by angrily pulling Texe Marrs’ books off their shelves and banning them forever from their premises.

SOURCE: Witchcraft Invades Christianity, by Pastor Texe Marrs; Intelligence Examiner Report

Sadly, C.S. Lewis was a fake, an imposter, a wolf in lamb's clothing, and a child of the Devil.

In his book, The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital, pagan David Ovason states that there are...

"zodiacs in the city, and at least 1,000 zodiacal and planetary symbols..."

SOURCE: The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital; by David Ovason; pg. 10, Harper Collins; 1999

Washington D.C. is absolutely infested with occult and astrology symbols. In his book, Ovason documents the location of over 23 Satanic zodiacs in the federal district alone!  Why should God bless America?

Bohemian Grove ExposedSkull and Bones Exposed | Devil Companies

Satan on Our Dollar!Satanic Occult Symbols in Washington D.C.

Ye Must Be Born Again!